What is Livin "OM"

"Om" which is short for Omega, the word of God. 
"Om" like Amen, a vibration in itself in  which all of creation emanates.

Livin "OM" simply the foundation for existing in completeness with all of life through our creator. As further means of interpretation of Livin "OM": Livin God, Living a life of peace for God, Living a life of peace with God, living a life of divine sacred peaceLivin "Om" stands as a space that acknowledges that along with the  divine we are the co creators of our life. Having a fundamental belief that we can create a life that truly speaks to the very center of who we are, no hiding, no pretending, no playing small but, living from the soul, being a witness and a active participant in life from a soul level with a fundamental basis of authenticity and truthfulness apart from the self's egoic conditioning and patterns. Out of the space I believe we can truly operate at our highest vibration and form, both knowingly and unknowingly, utilizing our individual gifts serving all of humanity. 

Livin "OM" is about finding and continuously cultivating peace. Not a self- fulfilling peace that we often try to achieve through participating in varied experiences in this lifetime, but a peace  in allowing a living and true God, the alpha and omega to live in you and through you, allowing you to be a beacon of his light and his  love in all that you are apart of.  When the spirit of his presence is within you, you are one, you are whole, you are abundant. With that presence, you become fiercely grounded in "I am " who " I am ", " I am " living the truth of who " I am", my life is an authentic representation of the content of my spirit, " I am " one with who "I am", and you live confidently in that space. 

Livin "Om" is not based on culture, ethnicity, religion, interest, social class, new age experiences, yoga, meditation, hand mudras, asanas; but a silent recognition that beyond those things and through the divine, we are powerful energetic forces at the very center of who we are, finding our truth and progressively uncovering the sacredness of who we are. Cohesively integrating past and present, without dis-owning, downplaying any parts of the self however it unfolds, Livin Om, is simply standing in the fullness of who you are along with the divine which helps us to do two of the greatest things, heal ourselves and all of humanity.

This is Livin OM..... Living your souls truth and living the peace in your truth.


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